Tuesday, August 18, 2009

No More Dieting

I'm Regina Smith - wife, mother of four -this is my secret to my 86# weight loss. My story begins my HS Sr year when I turned to bulemia to lose a few pounds. I was miserable-an active teen, abusing laxatives and diuretics, drained of strength and needing to know every bathroom location on my university campus. In 1983, at the age of 19, I read about Karen Carpenter's death-that scared me enough to stop the bulemia. But I didn't stop overeating, I just turned to another solution:DIETING. By 1998 I had dieted 1/2 my life and at the age of 35, miserable again, I was tired, hopeless and resigned to accept I was a large woman. I was depressed-I wasn't large as a kid or in HS-something wasn't right because I hated being overweight. Dieting didn't help-I weighed nearly 225# doing that! Then one night I saw on TV a program called Weigh Down. I heard "eat your favorite foods", "never walk down down the dietetic food aisle again", "no have-to exercise"-magical words to a dieter! But there was also a connection being made to God. I grew up in church, so I had to check it out. What I found was THE cure-Weigh Down took me back to the way I ate as a kid: natural hunger and fullness. Overeating was going BEYOND the body's natural cues built in by God; the food didn't need to change, I needed to change. "The rest is history," I lost 86#! When I followed the principles of Weigh Down-no diet foods, no counting anything-I grew closer to God, my marriage improved, our teen daughter lost 20#, and my husband lost 60#. As a family we are changed-but not just on the outside, the bigger changes have come from within. My before and after pictures are included so you can see - this is real!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Corporate Cutback: 550 jobs eliminated in the company Kent works for...thankful Kent retained his employment!
We are very grateful for the Bible study we just finished "The Legend to the Treasure." For several years, the author of this series, Gwen Shamblin, has warned of the financial devastation that was on it's way due to the false economy and greed that promoted temptations of irresponsible spending. This video gives a preview of a powerful study that can help you steady yourself in this financial storm!

Kent shares his testimony of Change!

Check out this video which is a great audio-visual in Kent's words of how we have ChaNgeD!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

We Have Changed!

So what is it, exactly, that changed? Well, Kent says the better question is "what didn't?" The most obvious thing that changed first when we joined a Weigh Down Workshop Bible study class in 1999-2000 was that we lost weight - permanently! We lost a lot of weight - Regina lost almost 90#, Kent lost 60# - even our pre-teen daughter lost 20# - and that was 7 years ago and none of us has gained it back! You can see more about how we did it by watching this introduction video for the Weigh Down Workshop's weight loss basics - the Exodus Out of Egypt CHANGE series.

But then other things followed - most importantly, as our relationship with God grew, our finances improved, our marriage improved, our children became sweeter as they began to find their own relationship with God, conflict and bickering in the home stopped - a peaceful life - true Christianity!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Welcome To Our Blog

We thought this would be a fun way to let our friends know what we love the most....God and how our relationship with Him has grown through the Weigh Down Workshop and Remnant Fellowship Church.

Through the numerous Bible studies we have taken through the Weigh Down Workshop we found the treasure we had been seeking all of our lives - a relationship with God and CHANGED lives.

A fun way to see our family is to watch this Today Show interview on YouTube!